Thursday, March 25, 2010

Alfredo Lim's Portrait

A portrait of Alfredo Lim, Manila’s current mayor. But what's the true identity behind this face? If you don't know, just visit this page.

Lim has been notorious lately for discontinuing the ‘beautification’ projects spearheaded by ex-mayor Lito Atienza. Atienza was Manila’s mayor in between Lim’s terms and is generally credited for making Manila a much more appealing city to both locals and visitors.

Lim banned the establishments and entertainment venues in Atienza’s Baywalk development citing angry residents, noise and business permits as the major issues. Lim also reopened the pedestrianized portion on Avenida Rizal. Around mid-2000s Atienza, inspired by the pedestrial culture in Barcelona, decided to close a long portion of the Avenida Rizal for more public space-repainting the renovated old buildings, adding well-manicured shrubbery and stuff.

Lim thought it was rubbish and eased Manila traffic jam by reopening the avenue after reintroducing asphalt on the road then covered with Atienza’s signature brick tiles.

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